Faye Bogner, a long-time Homestead resident and Realtor, compiled an album of newspaper articles about the integration of South Dade High School in the late 1960s. The scrapbook pages in .pdf format are now available for download.
Loose pages in the front of the album
Pages 1 – 49
Pages 50 – 100
Pages 101 – 150
Pages 151 – 199
Pages 200 – 238
If you would like to download the entire album at one time, here is the link to do that:
Please understand that this is a very large file (183Mb) and it will take some time to download. The album only covers the years 1968-1969 so if you are interested in researching the subject in more depth, the Historic Homestead Town Hall Museum has digital copies of the newspapers from that time period. Please contact them for more information.