HomeBusinessThe Princeton Bottling Works


The Princeton Bottling Works — 9 Comments

  1. Interesting article Jeff. I’ve never heard of or seen these bottles before. I do have an old 5 1/2 oz. soda bottle from the 1920’s with HOMESTEAD embossed in the glass on the sides. I wonder if this was the one used after they moved to Homestead?

    • Wendell Woodbury was my grandfather. He ran the Ice/Bottling Works. I did not know about the Ice Cream. Thank you for the info. The family also made candies to sell from fruits grown on their farms, grapefruit, etc. I’d love to see that HOMESTEAD bottle Mike. I live in the Redland now. At some point a Woodbury Ice and Bottling Plant was located on Dixie Hwy at 248 St. It was painted light green and had Woodbury written across in big black letters, up until the early 80s. If anyone has a photo of that I would love to see it. Thank you.

  2. My father and mother (Herbert and Beatrice Krier)started a soda company in Princeton in the late 1940’s. It ran only for about 1 year. They only made orange soda. The bottles had no name other than orange soda.

  3. I remember a Woodbury fertilizer place from back in the fifties. South side of Coconut Palm, west of US1.

    • Woodbury Chemical, as far as I have been able to determine, was not associated with the Woodbury family in Homestead. In 1960, J. T. Lee Smith was associated with the company and also was the Smith in S & M Farm Supply in Homestead (Smith & McIntyre). It is possible that one of the company founders knew one of the Woodburys, but I have no proof of that.

  4. My grandmother was Luna Waid Meybem, daughter of Charles M Waid. One of Luna’s sisters was Mildred Emma. There was a family mention of “running into” Jesse James when they were in Oklahoma. Would love to know more about that connection.

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